As a follow up to my commentary on Wednesday, it’s obviously appropriate for me to share more specifics about the rather unfortunate and latest “#prfail” incident that transpired earlier this week. We’re still sorting through some of the specifics.
However, it’s past time to provide an update.
If there’s ever a case of an unfortunate missed communication, this is it. As an educator for 12 years, this situation is an excellent case study to share, and I intend to provide a wider context that we can all learn from.
More to the point: No one in my office, or myself included, deliberately misrepresented the City of Raleigh in the media advisory/press release in question. In fact, and without question, the written information contained in the press release was accurate.
Also, in fact, and without question, was the approved use of the contact information for the City of Raleigh’s spokesperson.
What became the problem was the inappropriate use of the City’s letterhead. This is what I deem a missed communication.
Missed communications should not happen in this business. That said, when it does happen, it can be embarrassing to important people.
It can also be exhausting. More than anything else, situations like this require a focus on what’s important.
I’ll share more details in the coming days.